KinoCast Ep9 - Life is a Kabaret part 1

In this week's show we talk to Dave Lojek, director, producer, writer, editor and festival director of Kino Berlino. This past weekend saw Berlin host its 14th International Kino Kabaret, and Dave chats to us about what it really means to get involved in the world of collaborative filmmaking.

- The origins of the Kino movement

- Kino Berlino

- Learning from doing and 39 things to make you a better filmmaker

- Show the world you care about the shorts you make

- What to do with the films you make

- Getting momentum

- Filmmaking around Europe

- The film industry: Europe vs. the US


KinoBerlino's 2019 Kabaret: 

Monthly Open KinoBerlino Screenings: 

FB Page of KinoBerlino: 

European Kino Calendar: 

The mother kino cell in Montreal:

Equivalent of my film association in England: 

Film composer Mirko Rizzello: 

Proverbial Luck (full film):

Pure Sweetness (full film): 

Article about Fake Film Festivals: